Sites Holmquist trys, and often fails, to go no more than a couple of days without visiting (some of which Holmquist regularly swipes links from without attribution)
I doubt hawks -whether they are in power or merely opinionated- really care but Iraq is right when it says the U.S. is using the weapons dossier to get its war on. (Apologies to David Rees.)
The whole going to the United Nations for authorization and then letting inspectors try to find and destroy weapons of mass destruction is really just a charade. The Bush Administration wants war and it is going to get war just to show the world that it can fuck up other countries when it wants to.
If you doubt this, consider two points. Firstly, assuming that Iraq is an immediate threat, why is the Bush Administration content to take its time with war? They say that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction and imply that this in and of itself makes them a threat to God and Country, Truth and Justice and Freedom and the Survival of the American Way of Life and yet don't act like the threat is real. Either the Bush Administration is lying about the threat or cares nothing about the safety of Americans. (Actually both clauses could true but you get my point.) Secondly, if Iraq is such a threat, it means that the war the U.S. has waged against Iraq since 1990 has been ineffective and yet killed thousands if not millions of Iraqis via bombings and sanctions. That is tragic in and of itself but would be possibly explainable as good intentions leading to bad results except for the fact that the Bush Administration doesn't criticize those policies, which tends to indicate that the goal of U.S. policy towards Iraq since at least Operation Desert Shield hasn't been about keeping Americans safe but rather doing harm to Iraq.
Given all of this, and you can reach your own conclusion as to whether or not the Bush Administration is mendacious, incompetent and/or evil, how could any person who is isn't stupid or evil be comfortable with the Bush Adminstration's drive for war? posted by micah holmquist at 12/10/2002 02:47:00 PM