micah holmquist's irregular thoughts and links |
Welcome to the musings and notes of a Cadillac, Michigan based writer named Micah Holmquist, who is bothered by his own sarcasm. Please send him email at micahth@chartermi.net. Holmquist's full archives are listed here.
![]() Sites Holmquist trys, and often fails, to go no more than a couple of days without visiting (some of which Holmquist regularly swipes links from without attribution) Aljazeera.Net English Blogs that for one reason or another Holmquist would like to read on at least something of a regular basis (always in development) Thivai Abhor |
Friday, October 18, 2002
being noticed is good. being appreciated is even better You may recall back in September that a user of freerepublic.com linked to me and in effect called me a "radical leftist." That FReeper's handle was Adam Stevens. Monday one individual or a group of individuals decided to do a pre-emptive strike against the U.S. but lacking the firepower of the U.S. military, this individual or group didn't bomb the White House and instead setteled for setting two military vehicles on fire and spraypainting "Pre-emptive Attack" on a military recruiting center in San Jose, California. Adam Stevens apparently didn't like this, saying it has become "clear that the anti-American leftists having lost in Congress are now going to try to attack America in other words including by attacking our military. This is war and we must fight back!" Stevens goes on to write: I have assembled a list of traitors who should be looked into to see if they are leading the treasonous anti-war movement. I am sure there are more and FReepers should add to the list. If these people have done nothing more than spwe their anti-American garabage, they should not be punished of course but if they are leading the anti-American movements attempt to weaken this country by attacking our military as many of htem probably are then they should be treated as harshly as possible.While I dread the thought of a duet between Steve Earle and Barbra Streisand -actually I just dread Streisand outside of Yentl, which I thought was a funny movie-, it is an honor to be be on the same list as many of these people. In particular I would like to note the inclusion of my fellow bloggers Douglas Anders, Les Dabney and Lisa English. Lisa hasn't commented on the list as far as I can tell while Douglas seems to have the right attitude of viewing his inclusion as a "badge of honor." Les has expressed some concern about being on the list but from my experience with FReepers the most he should get is some hate mail. I certainly hope that no law enforcement agency looks to posters on freerepublic.com to see who to investigate. The most interesting name on the list to me is Dave Douglas, who is a tremendous composer and trumpeter and has made critical statements about U.S. foreign policy. Still I'd be suprised if too many FReepers knew about him. When I went to the freerepublic.com posting of my piece "Dave Douglas at the HotHouse!," I see Stevens has commented on it and actually knows something about Douglas' frequent collaborator John Zorn, although it should be noted that it is not clear if Zorn's zionism is political as well as cultural. Next I checked Stevens' profile and guest what? He says he lives in Cadillac, Michigan -that is the same town I live in. I am suprised that there is a persion in Cadillac besides me who knows who Douglas and Zorn but I find it very hard to believe that such a persion would also be an authoritarian right-winger. Then again Stevens does say he doesn't like Zorn's music. Atrios and William Burton have both said they are disappointed to not be on the list and I want to thank them for the readers they sent my way. Sorry but if you don't show up to the meetings... Smarter Sullivan noted the list and then complimented me, writing "Micah Holmquist is a pretty darn funny guy" -a pretty darn good compliment even if not quite up to the level of "You are the goofiest guy I have ever met"- and then quoting Tuesday's post where I ridiculed Andrew Sullivan. As for the list itself, it is nearly accurate. I am in fact the host of the Anti-American Poker League of Subversives. We meet each week on a night I prefer to not tell my public and all of the people in the list above are invited, even if only 4 or 5 show up each week. Still Stevens has missed out on our most frequent member, the only guy besides me who shows up each week, Joe Pesci. We met Pesci through Marisa Tomei, who I believe met him while shooting My Cousin Vinny. I like Pesci for a variety of reason including his rambling comments about Humprey Bogart movies that he doesn't know the name of and shooting punk bartenders. But most importantly he brings those delightful pictures of dogs. |